PTCS works closely with subject matter experts to gather information and develop content, applying usability principles, an eye for detail, and — when applicable — a background in the physical sciences.
Representative Projects

These are just a few of the projects Nancy Riccio has completed over the past 25 years, either as an independent contractor or, in a few cases, as an employee (indicated with an asterisk *). Samples for selected projects are available on request.
Software / Hardware
End User Documentation
Mine optimization software *
As part of an Agile team, wrote and edited installation manuals, operator guides, troubleshooting guides, online help systems, and knowledge base articles using FrameMaker and other tools.
Reliability engineering software *
As part of an Agile team, developed online help systems, printed guides, white papers, and other documentation using Flare, RoboHelp, FrameMaker, and other tools. Redesigned / coded new responsive HTML5 templates for online and printed output.
Telescope data handling system
Created a manual that serves the primary reference for the configuration and use of the data handling system for the Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope.
Commissioning procedures
Wrote and provided substantive editing services for dozens of procedures related to the commissioning of the Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope.
Network security application
Ported a Word-based manual to MadCap Flare to create a modern online help system.
Adaptive performance support (APS) system
Developed interactive software and hardware documentation for diagnostic ultrasound systems using DITA principles. Helped design the system’s UI / UX.
Digital imaging training manuals
In support of a new product launch, developed training manuals for incoming staff who needed to master procedures for processing digital radiological images in accordance with 21CFR58.3 specifications.
Developer Documentation
API documentation *
Documented a series of REST APIs and hybrid APIs to allow third-party developers to integrate custom applications with mine optimization software.
Functionality documentation *
Managed, wrote, and edited functionality documents for a new, web-based, reliability engineering software application.
UI customization guide
Created a reference guide for developers who want to customize the UI features of a web-based software application. Includes information on code libraries, XML and JSON data structures, and business logic.
Disaster-recovery instructions *
Wrote a series of disaster-recovery instructions for back-office server applications and network infrastructure.
UI / UX Design
UI/UX design for web-based application *
Designed the UI and provided input on the UX for a new, web-based software application for reliability engineers. Conducted usability tests to identify potential pain points for users.
UI design for legacy application *
Designed the UI for a major “reskinning” of a web-based, legacy application for reliability engineers. Worked with developers to implement CSS changes.
Scientific / Planning
Journal articles
Edited numerous papers written by a prominent researcher in the mining engineering program at the University of Arizona for publication in academic journals.
Magazine articles
Edited a water-themed issue of the Museum of Northern Arizona’s Plateau Magazine to give the issue a clear focus and consistent voice.
Fact sheets
Prepared three newsletters for a Washington State regulatory agency summarizing the progress of a multidisciplinary EIS that was highly political in nature.
Training Materials / Manuals
eLearning and instructional materials
Developed an eLearning course and companion instructional materials for a manufacturer of an innovative microbiology technology.
Water treatment system manual
Repaired a manual that had significant technical and editorial issues. Conducted extensive research and rewrote sections to accurately reflect monitoring and reporting requirements for public water systems.
NeuroFit™ manual
Developed a manual for instructors and participants of an exercise program for people with Parkinson’s Disease or Multiple Sclerosis.
Planning Documents
Coconino County Comprehensive Plan
Edited a plan that had been written by nearly a dozen different authors, ensuring that goals and policies were clearly supported. The plan won numerous awards, including an Award of Excellence from the Society for Technical Communication.
WRIA 14 Watershed Plan
Wrote a management plan for the Kennedy-Goldsborough Watershed in western Washington. Summarized existing conditions, described key watershed issues, and worked with diverse stakeholders to develop recommendations.
Grand Canyon Business Plan
Served on a team that was tasked with communicating the Park’s operating costs, funding shortfalls, and priority issues to stakeholders.
Letter report to regulators
Working with a consulting hydrogeologist, prepared a letter to Washington State regulatory agencies highlighting issues with a municipal water purveyor’s supply-demand-mitigation strategy.
Watershed assessment report *
Edited a 200-page report detailing the results of a multidisciplinary basin assessment in Washington. Tied each chapter to the Limiting Factors Analysis and goals.
Biological evaluation report
Edited a report summarizing the results of a biological evaluation for a large-scale wetland restoration project along the lower Colorado River.
Wellfield feasibility report *
Edited a report detailing the results of groundwater flow modeling to predict the impacts of pumping from a proposed wellfield in southwestern Washington.
Technical Marketing Materials
PTCS has written nearly a hundred proposals for various consultants in the water resources and environmental industries. This typically involves assessing requirements, interfacing with multidisciplinary teams, compiling information, and developing content, including tables and infographics to communicate qualifications within tight page limits.
PTCS has also designed and prepared content for brochures, white papers, websites, and other marketing materials.